Several users have reported problems with wall continuity when modelling hoppers.
We apologise for the inconvenience caused. Our technical team is working hard to resolve this problem as soon as possible.
This problem is not systematic. We recommend that you first go back and remodel your hopper or the staircase that generated the hopper automatically.
In some cases, tracing a small hopper in the centre of your floor, then extending it to the walls, will prevent the problem from recurring.
If you still have holes, we suggest a workaround:
We recommend increasing the height of the ground floor walls by the height of the slab.
To do this, follow these step-by-step instructions:
- go in 2D to the level below the hopper
- select the wall(s) affected by these unwanted openings (remember: multiple selection is possible using the CTRL key)
- in their parameter panes, accessible via the cogwheel
- uncheck "up to the ceiling" and increase their height by the thickness of the slab (20cm by default).
If this doesn't solve the problem, please write to support at contact@kazaplan.com
Please specify the link to the plan.
The Kazaplan team
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