We are pleased to announce that starting December 27, 2024, Kozikaza will be completely free for everyone again!
This means you will once again have access to all 3D plan features without any limitations, regardless of your current subscription. We are confident that this decision will make using Kozikaza even more accessible and help you complete your home projects more easily.
What happens to my subscription?
➡️ Payments will end on November 27, 2024, and the subscription will be stopped on December 27.
Do I need to do anything to stop the payments?
➡️ No, no action is required.
Payments will be stopped automatically, and your account will continue to work with all the free features.
What happens to my monthly HD credits?
➡️ After your subscription ends, you will no longer receive monthly HD credits. However, to thank you for your loyalty, we are offering you an additional balance of HD credits.
See you soon,
The Kozikaza Team.
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