You have saved changes on your plan but you prefer to go back to a previous version, restoration is now available!
How to proceed?
Click on the last update of your plan:
The dates on which a restoration is possible are displayed on the right:
Sélectionnez une version de votre plan, un visu dans un contour orange s'affiche, à vous de voir si vous voulez restaurer ou non cette version.
La version antérieure n'est pas perdue sauf s'il y a eu des modifications sans sauvegarder.
Select a version of your plan, a visu in an orange outline is displayed, do you want to restore this version or not? It's up to you!
The previous version is not lost unless there have been changes without saving.
Just click on the desired date and on restore:
Think about using plan restore if you have the unpleasant surprise of seeing that your plan is empty, or if you save changes that you don't want to keep.
This does not delete the current version.
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