To switch from an economical kitchen to an ergonomic one, or vice versa, consider using the comfort level.
This feature applies to kitchen furniture layouts and is accessible in 2D, 3D, and front view.
We offer 3 comfort levels:
- level € -> an easy and functional kitchen
- level €€ -> a functional kitchen with some ergonomic tips
- level €€€ -> an optimized and practical kitchen with numerous drawers
Step-by-step to modify the comfort level of your kitchen layout:
Step 1: Select your kitchen furniture layout
In 2D, 3D, or front view: click on your kitchen furniture layout.
A blue highlight appears: your kitchen furniture layout is selected.
Its context menu is displayed with its price, comfort level, and various editing possibilities:
- access the properties of the layout
- delete the layout
- access the front view
Step 2: Open the layout settings panel
- 1. Click on the icon "your comfort level" or the icon "Properties" in the layout's context menu. The settings panel appears on the left side of your screen.
- 2. Your layout's comfort options are displayed at the top of the settings panel.
Step 3: Choose one of the 3 comfort levels
- Choose a comfort level.
Your modeling and its price update instantly.
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