You placed an individual piece of furniture from the catalog or modeled a run of kitchen furniture. Note that each piece of furniture is editable and customizable.
Selecting a kitchen piece of furniture
- SELECT a piece of furniture
-- Selecting an isolated piece of furniture
In 2D, 3D, or frontal view : click on your furniture.
A green highlight will appear: your furniture is selected.
Its position dimensions are displayed. They are editable.
Its rotation circle is displayed.
Its movement arrows are displayed:
- horizontal movement arrow for all furniture
- vertical movement arrow for tall furniture
Its context menu appears with its price and various editing possibilities:
- replace furniture with another
- change the direction of the doors
- access furniture properties
- duplicate furniture
- lock furniture
- delete furniture
- access frontal view
-- Selecting furniture in a run
--- Solution 1: Selection in the plan
In 2D, 3D, or frontal view: double-click on your furniture.
- On the 1st click, the run is selected.
- On the 2nd click, the furniture is selected
A green highlight will appear: your furniture is selected.
Its movement arrows are displayed:
- horizontal movement arrow for all furniture
- vertical movement arrow for tall furniture
Its context menu appears with its price and various editing possibilities:
- replace furniture with another
- change the direction of the doors
- access furniture properties
- duplicate furniture
- lock furniture
- delete furniture
- access frontal view
- Modify the ELEVATION of a piece of furniture
Use the vertical movement arrow on the facade and perform a drag-and-drop to the desired location.
Possible actions from the context menu
The context menu indicates the price of the furniture and gathers all possible actions on it.
- ACCESS the properties of the furniture
By clicking on the "properties" button in the context menu of your furniture, its parameter panel opens on your left.
With our new settings panel, you can easily customize your furniture.
-- Customize the STYLE of the furniture
You have two options:
- Option 1: You can choose a style: by clicking on "change" at the top of the menu. You will then find a selection page where you can change the ambiance (pre-selected combination of fronts, worktop, handles, etc.).
- Option 2: You can create your own style by choosing your own cabinets, plinths, fronts, handles, etc.
For both options: filters are again offered to refine your search. Select the ones you are interested in, then click "apply filters".
These changes can apply to the run of furniture, to all furniture of the same type (all base units, all columns...), or to the entire kitchen.
When selecting an item in the menu, it applies according to your choices.
-- Replace one piece of furniture with another
In 2D, in 3D, as well as in frontal view,
--- from the context menu
--- from your furniture's settings panel
--- from the run's settings panel
- 1. Open the "replace with" menu of the furniture.
The list of suggested furniture appears to replace your furniture
- 2. Click on "filters" if necessary
The list of filters is displayed.
- 3. Refine your filter choices and click the "apply" button
The suggested furniture catalog updates.
- 4. Select the desired furniture from the catalog.
[current settings panel]
> More information on replacing furniture
Tip: This function is accessible from the context menu
-- Modify POSITION
--- Modify the position of an isolated piece of furniture
--- Modify the position of a piece of furniture in a linear
-- Customize the COMPONENTS of the furniture
--- Remove a component
- Click on the "Delete" button of the component to remove it.
--- Replace one component with another
- 1. Click on the "replace" button of the component.
- Change the OPENING DIRECTION of doors
Clicking on the "change opening direction" button in 2D and 3D changes the door's opening direction.
> More information on changing the opening direction of doors
- LOCK a piece of furniture
Click on the "lock" button in the context menu in 2D and 3D to prevent the furniture from being moved.
- DELETE a piece of furniture
-- Delete an isolated piece of furniture
An isolated piece of furniture can be deleted in the plan like any other object. To do this, click on the "delete" button in its context menu.
-- Delete a piece of furniture in a linear
A piece of furniture from a line of furniture can be deleted. To do this, click on the "delete" button in the furniture's context menu.
We then ask you to refine your choice:
"You are about to remove a piece of furniture from the line. Do you want to delete it and leave the space empty or delete it and move the other furniture?
--- Delete a piece of furniture and leave an empty space
Clicking on "delete" in the precision modal: an empty space will be created, the furniture on either side remains linked in a line.
You can then insert an appliance, such as a washing machine.
--- Delete a piece of furniture and move the others
Clicking on "delete" in the precision modal: the furniture will be deleted, the furniture on either side will come closer.
More precisely: the smallest part of the linear is moved towards the largest.
> More information on deleting furniture
- Access the FRONT VIEW
Clicking on the"front view" button in 2D and 3D displays the front view of the wall on which the line of furniture is magnetized.
Tip: to exit "front view" mode, click on the 2D or 3D buttons in the navigation bar.
> More information on front views
- DUPLICATE a piece of furniture
Only for isolated furniture
- In 2D, 3D: click on the "duplicate" button in the furniture's context menu
- NB: In front view: this feature is not available.
The furniture has been duplicated. A line of furniture has been created.
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