Once your wall cabinet set has been modeled, you can still customize it to your liking.
Possible Customizations for Your Wall Cabinet Set
Add an Integrated Hood
The choice to integrate equipment is offered when creating the set, but it is possible to add a hood at any time in the desired location:
- Solution 1: Remove the wall cabinet set + new set with hood
It is sometimes faster to restart your stretch of wall cabinets by selecting the hood equipment.
- Solution 2: Remove wall cabinets + add cabinet with hood
- 1. Remove the wall cabinet set without "delete and move." You have just created free space.
- 2. To integrate an integrated hood, go to the catalog of wall cabinet sets piece by piece.
Add a Decorative Hood
- Solution 1: Remove the wall cabinet set + new set with hood
The choice to integrate a decorative hood is offered when creating the low furniture set.
- To add a decorative hood during modeling, it is preferable to restart your modeling of low cabinets.
- Solution 2: Remove cabinets + add cabinet with hood
It is possible to add a hood at any time in the desired location:
- 1. Remove the wall cabinet without "delete and move." You have just created free space.
- 2. To integrate a decorative hood, go to the appliance catalog.
Attention: There are rules for lateral distance between a decorative hood and wall cabinets to be respected. These are only checked for decorative hoods linked to a lower cabinet. That's why we recommend modeling these hoods by placing your lower cabinets.
Add a Microwave
The choice to integrate a microwave into a wall cabinet set is offered when creating the wall cabinet set.
To add a microwave during modeling, it is preferable to restart your modeling of wall cabinets.
Vary Cabinet Heights
- Solution 1: Cabinet by Cabinet
Different cabinets can be added cabinet by cabinet.
- Solution 2: Cabinet by Cabinet
The "replace with" function is useful if you want to vary cabinet heights within the same set.
- 1. Select the cabinet to replace
- 2. Click the "replace with" button in its context menu
- 3. Filter by specifying the desired type of cabinet
- 4. Select the desired cabinet
Vary Elevations
It is possible to vary the elevations of the cabinets, for that:
- 1. Select the cabinet, in its context menu,
- 2. Click on the "property" icon
- 3. go to the position tab to set its elevation numerically.
Stack Wall Cabinets
It is possible to stack wall cabinets to optimize storage, feel free to use the ALT key which deactivates magnets to help you.
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