The product list summarises the products and textures you added to your plan.
This allows you to find any information relating to your products, estimate the total cost and purchase your products.
The listed items can include products (displayed by 3D objects) or coatings (displayed by textures).
> Learn more about the product list
- Products and coatings are sorted by levels and rooms
- New design: full screen for better readability and ergonomics
- At a glance, access product information: brands, sizes, prices, alerts.
- Discover new filters: types of surface, signs and brand. This will make it easier for you to refine your choices and your work budget.
- Select the desired products and the total price is updated
- New display of kitchen items: grouping by cabinet set, by cabinet and then by product
- Send your products directly to the shopping cart of our partners
Tip: The Kazaplan brand filter groups generic products (i.e. products that do not have a brand name).
Want to try it ? Rendez-vous on Kazaplan !
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